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Our alocasia 'lutea' is such a striking alocasia and the only one with a bright yellow in it's central vein.  They grow best grown in part sun/part shade but can take some full sun.  It's a versitle grower and can be used in the landscape or outdoor planter pots and/or indoors as a house plant.   The shiny leaves get very large, 5-6 ft, with a deep kelly green color and yellow veins, super cool!   Alocasia in general do not like to be dry for long periods of time yetwill not do well with consistantly wet soil.  They need consistent watering.  Many places online will sell you a either a tiny plant or a tuber of the plant but not here, you will be shipped a gorgeous leafy plant!  You will be the envy of the block with the unique alocasia 'lutea' in your collection!


Our alocasia 'lutea's are beautiful right now and are currently sold in a 3-gallon and are about 2-3 ft high x 2 ft wide.  Grows in zone 8-11; are not frost hardy.


Because it is a living plant we expedite shipping to make sure the plant arrives healthy and alive.   Please read the section about our plants on our FAQs page for more information.  Please read the section about our plants on our FAQs page for more information.

Tropical Collection- alocasia 'lutea'


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